Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A little change is good.

I will no longer be updating this blog.  I will be starting another, ANONYMOUS, blog soon.  I hope to have the new one up and running soon. Still trying to pick out a name that isn't taken.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog and that you 'stumble' upon my new page.  Why am I going through all of this trouble?  I have decided that an anonymous blog should have bent he way to go from the beginning, as I do not want to edit my posts due to the fear of retribution.  Not towards me, mind you, but towards my little guy.  Even if the offender is unconsciously punishing him, he shouldn't have to suffer for his momma's bitchiness.

Now off to find a cool blog name.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The boxer rebellion

We have experienced a small victory.  Spence has agreed to wear boxer shorts around the house.  Not boxer briefs, boxer shorts.  Not plaid, solid. Not woven, knit.  Yes, he did make us exhaust all of these options before he made his decision.  At least now when he runs outside, he has underwear on.  Thank God for small favors.

Unfortunately, one victory is all we have.  I've seen him slip down the mountain of achievement into a valley I thought we passed up long ago.  It has recently come to my attention that the teacher or para or someone at the school has been giving my son items to stim on.  NOOOOOOOOO!  I broke him of this habit, only to now have someone encouraging it.  I also had a beef with the teacher's request to send Spence to school with "a game boy or iPod or old iPhone that he can play with when he finishes his work."  Say what?  I was glad my husband was at that meeting.  I was too stunned to come up with a response.  He mentioned that Spencer would be obsessed and it would be hard to take it away from him when the time was up, so it is better to just keep it from him in the first place.  Then we were told that he keeps trying to get the para's phone.  Here's a thought- maybe the para should secure her phone?  I don't think we had this problem at any of his old schools.  

But, when would Spencer play it?  Seems he doesn't like to do his work, or attend to any lessons, or use the restroom at school.  Part of me thinks this is his way of saying that he doesn't like it there.  Or maybe that is just me projecting my feelings.  I do not get Spencer dressed until about 7:20.  He has NEVER given me this much trouble on a daily basis.  I had gotten him to the point that I would lay his clothes out and he would dress himself.  Now, I have to chase him around the house and almost tackle him and FORCE the clothes on him.  Needless to say, my mornings suck.  Add in a 12 year old who keeps asking for "5 more minutes" and I feel like a human snooze button and all around tyrant.  Yippee!  I'm emotionally exhausted before my day even starts.  Then laundry, cleaning and cooking call my name and before I know it, it is time to pick the kids up from school.  Really, where does the day go?  Okay, so I do take a daily nap.  I have given up caffeine (after my one iced coffee in the morning) and am finding it difficult to stay awake all day.  But, since Spence will steal your Diet Coke, I have given them up.  I miss my contraband!!!

I hope soon to get back to reporting the "feel good" victories that are most certainly going to come our way!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Normally, I would apologize for not writing in the blog for over a month, but I'm not going to this time.  There is so much I want to write about, but I feel like my hands are tied.  I've grown way too politically correct for my own good.  I normally publish my blog to my Facebook page and let interested parties read at their leisure.  Unfortunately, my FB circle of friends is growing ever wider and I have become so afraid of offending certain people that I just say nothing.  Then, I start acting like a petulant three year old and think, "Well, it is my blog and I should be able to relate my thoughts and feelings without worrying.  The things that happen, happen and I would be remiss to sugar coat it to suit someone else's way of thinking."

The I realize the solution would have been so easy.  I read other autism blogs: Homestyle Momma (with a  side of autism), Grape jelly on pizza, Ancora Impartial..and others.  What they all have in common (besides autism) is that they are anonymous.  Granted, they sometimes use first names for their kids, but never give their precise location, etc. I'm sure a few friends close to them know who they are, but the whole world doesn't.  Perhaps I should have named mine, "mommy's hiding in the bathroom", or "a grande frap and a valium to go" or something else clever and witty.  Seriously, the blog helps me deal with what is going on around me, a forum to share my experiences and a place where I can unabashedly praise my children.  Certain things have been said to my recently that just beg to be addressed in a blog.  But I can't without offending the person who made the statement.  Seriously, how would you feel if an entire blog was a response that I wasn't comfortable giving you in person?  And, you would most certainly know that YOU were the one who got me started on that tirade.  I don't think you'd be flattered. What if someone you like so very much was the source of my ire.  Would you share what I said to them?  Yep, it would just be opening a can of worms that no one wants to deal with.  Me included.

Maybe I've been too open and honest.  But that is just my style.  You always know what I'm thinking, because I tell you.  Also, there are some things that I'm dealing with and working on that are hush-hush at the moment.  And I'm afraid I'll spill the beans and thwart my own efforts.

Any ideas, folks?