Normally, I would apologize for not writing in the blog for over a month, but I'm not going to this time. There is so much I want to write about, but I feel like my hands are tied. I've grown way too politically correct for my own good. I normally publish my blog to my Facebook page and let interested parties read at their leisure. Unfortunately, my FB circle of friends is growing ever wider and I have become so afraid of offending certain people that I just say nothing. Then, I start acting like a petulant three year old and think, "Well, it is my blog and I should be able to relate my thoughts and feelings without worrying. The things that happen, happen and I would be remiss to sugar coat it to suit someone else's way of thinking."
The I realize the solution would have been so easy. I read other autism blogs: Homestyle Momma (with a side of autism), Grape jelly on pizza, Ancora Impartial..and others. What they all have in common (besides autism) is that they are anonymous. Granted, they sometimes use first names for their kids, but never give their precise location, etc. I'm sure a few friends close to them know who they are, but the whole world doesn't. Perhaps I should have named mine, "mommy's hiding in the bathroom", or "a grande frap and a valium to go" or something else clever and witty. Seriously, the blog helps me deal with what is going on around me, a forum to share my experiences and a place where I can unabashedly praise my children. Certain things have been said to my recently that just beg to be addressed in a blog. But I can't without offending the person who made the statement. Seriously, how would you feel if an entire blog was a response that I wasn't comfortable giving you in person? And, you would most certainly know that YOU were the one who got me started on that tirade. I don't think you'd be flattered. What if someone you like so very much was the source of my ire. Would you share what I said to them? Yep, it would just be opening a can of worms that no one wants to deal with. Me included.
Maybe I've been too open and honest. But that is just my style. You always know what I'm thinking, because I tell you. Also, there are some things that I'm dealing with and working on that are hush-hush at the moment. And I'm afraid I'll spill the beans and thwart my own efforts.
Any ideas, folks?
I believe most people are projecting a "virtual life" in the world of FB and Blog-dom. It is unusual to find authentic, down to earth stories of people who are like me, flawed, sometimes mistaken, often discouraged, and downright ugly at times. I have been guilty of painting a "perfect" picture on my FB page, never publishing an even slightly blemished photo of myself or my children, demonstrating my raging perfectionistic tendencies. Go for it with the anonymous blog. I think you will experience more freedom of expression, and you very well may help a bunch of raging (secretly insecure) perfectionists like me as you do so.