Thank you to all that read my blog. My original intention was for the blog to be kind of a personal accounting of our adventures and a way for me to track the process. I opened it up to some close friends and then- WOW! Some of them linked their blogs to mine and in a year I got over 5,000 page visits. Which in the scheme of things is pretty remarkable. Up until last week, my blog was 'private', meaning that you could not locate it via search engine and it was never listed on blogger as a recommended blog. But, after Brain Balance corporate put a link to my blog on their website, I realized others interested in the program might be interested in what I have to say. So, now I'm in the 'public' arena.
I must say that the response to my blog has been incredible. While few people leave comments here, I am touched when people mention to me that they enjoy reading my blog. Still others post to my Facebook page and/or send me emails. To be honest, I never thought so many people would be interested. I must confess that during the early part of the year, I lost a Facebook friend who felt the need to tell me that she was 'unfriending' me because she was tired of hearing about my son with autism. And it made me wonder if I was boring the heck out of everyone. That feeling didn't last long, though. I came to the realization that it was her problem, not mine.
One lesson I have learned from my son is not to give much credence to the opinion of others. I am me and I will not change to fit into your mold of what you think I should be. Spencer has also taught me patience. Lots and lots of patience. I've really had no choice. His progress has been directly related to my ability to give him time. While we will be moving back home in time for Christmas, I will continue to blog. My last blog contains a video that Spencer's teachers were kind enough to capture for me as an early Thanksgiving present. By the way, Kelly & Biz, I am expecting a video as my Christmas present. ;) Hint Hint: I'd love to hear him say, "Mommy" (Don't worry, I'm not holding my breath. Chances are he will call me 'Gigi' like his brother.)
Absolutely LOVE your blogs!! We will work on the next video installment for mommy!!!!! Mrs. Kelly