Monday, June 13, 2011

Welcome to my silly life

This weekend was interesting, to say the least.  Friday after Brain Balance, we joined another BB mom and her kids at their pool, since ours is closed (until further notice :( ).  Spence decided that he was going to jump to Mommy.  Make that- jump on Mommy.  I got a workout, too.  We stayed for about an hour and a half, after which time I was totally beat, as was Spence.  He laid down in his bed around 7:30.  He was asleep shortly thereafter.  I had planned for us to sleep late on Saturday and then go to the park in the afternoon.  Unfortunately, it stormed during the afternoon, so the park was not happening.  I also started feeling a little under the weather, but thought I was just tired.  I woke up Sunday with a sore throat, slight fever and INCREDIBLE headache.  Little man must have had sympathy pains because he actually took a nap with me around 3 or so.  A wonderful BB mom even offered to take Spence to the park with them so I could rest.  He was sleeping at the time, so I just let him be.  I must have dozed off around 7 or so.  I was awakened by Spencer brushing the hair out of my face.  Then I jumped up.  He had faux tanned himself with a brown Crayola marker.  All over.  Chest, legs, arms, back (who knew he was that limber?) feet (tops & bottoms), he even drew a mustache and some facial hair. I tried not to laugh, really.  But it was so darn funny and he was so proud of himself.  I should have taken a picture but my first concern was to clean him up.  He was laughing so hard in the tub.  Thank goodness it was a washable marker, so it came off with minimal scrubbing.  After he was all cleaned up, I sent him to bed. And he went.  I could hear him singing (I think he was singing).  He dozed off around 8:30 or so.  He woke up in a fantastic mood for school today.  I am feeling better.  Nothing a decongestant and a few Aleve can't cure.  Now I have to go finish cleaning the apartment.  Fun, fun!!

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