Our second 12 week session ends on August 12, so our 8 week progress report should have been a few weeks ago. But things got a little (I believe this is the technical term) wonky and we had a 10 week report. Before I get to that I need to do a little update. Monday, Spence walked out of his session with both a star AND a trophy. (Makes a momma proud.) His star was from the sensory motor room where he participated and followed directions well. In the cognitive room, he chose to shine! He started playing with a chain link toy commonly used along with number cards. So, they got out the number cards from 1- 10. Without assistance or prompting, Spence began putting one link by the number 1, two by the number 2, etc. THIS IS HUGE! It means he KNOWS his numbers, not just memorized them. Woo Hoo!! Okay, back to the progress report...
The goal of the Pre Brain Balance program is to get the child ready for the Brain Balance program. I am happy to report that we are almost there across the board. In fact, for some things, Spence is already testing at Brain Balance levels! So I don't confuse anyone (including myself) I will tell you about the changes since our last report (approx. 4 weeks ago) rather than his actual levels:
Core Stability up 1.3 levels
Balance Beam* up 1 level
Visual Ocular Reflexes* up 1 level
Fine Motor* stayed the same
Gait up 1/2 level
Aerobic and Endurance up 1.5 levels
Interactive Metronome stayed the same
Listening Comprehension up 1.5 levels
*= testing at Brain Balance levels
Notes from the Sensory Motor Room:
Spencer has good days and then some days he is more defiant. His listening comprehension has gone through the roof!! He is making choices of what he wants to complete and he is moving around the room with more independence. I am so hopeful as he is moving through PBB levels his cognition and motor development is coming on board.
Notes from the Cognitive Room:
Spencer is making progress in the cognitive room. He is saying words and making animal sounds. He is also trying to say words when requested. "P" sound for pegs and please. He has also moved up in his cognitive goals based on developmental age. Exciting progress!!
I feel sorry for the director, because I kept her on the phone for over an hour to discuss Spencer's progress and the upcoming school year (and beyond). In a perfect world, I would home school him. But, I do not have the temperament to do so. So, we are going to try a combination approach. I will elaborate more on that later, after we redo Spencer's IEP.
After we finish on August 12, we will wait three weeks then reassess Spence. I can't wait to see the results! I looked at Spencer's initial test results. For MOST items, he didn't even rank. (he was below a level 1) For some, they wrote 'refused'. (he wouldn't even try OR let them manually manipulate him to perform the task) To go from <1 to PBB level 3 - BB level 2 is AMAZING!
Faith, hope and Brain Balance
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