Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Oh, Momma!!

I got the best surprise yesterday afternoon.  When I picked Spencer up for Brain Balance, Ms. Kelly wanted Spencer to show me what he had been doing at school all day.  He signed "Mommy" for me!  This is the FIRST time I've been acknowledged as Mom, EVER!  Yes, it was huge for me, and he looked so cute doing it!  He also was signing "Eat" and "please" during snack time in order to get more cookies.  (Special cookies that meet with his dietary restrictions & provided by me, just in case you were wondering!)

I just love the changes in my little guy.  He seems so much more alert and aware of the world around him.  Sometimes I feel bad for him as I watch him approach other children.  I think he wants to play with them, but just doesn't know how to initiate.  It can heartbreaking to watch, but it is progress.  He used to regard other children as nothing more than furniture, obstacles in his way between where he was and where he wanted to be.

I felt like little Suzy Gluten-free homemaker yesterday.  I made homemade applesauce, pumpkin bread, and bacon.  I made picture schedules and an "I Want" board to try to eliminate being pulled and having to figure things out on my own.  I even told Spencer if he stayed still for too long, I might just laminate him!  We had a difficult time getting through his exercises last night, as once he showed signs of fatigue I had to stop.  Poor thing, they must work him really hard at school ! (I know he worked hard at Brain Balance).

Spencer did something unusual yesterday.  He sought out the mini chocolate chips and started eating them.  I thought it was odd that he was in his bedroom with the door closed.  When I walked in, I was greeted by a smiling little chocolate face.  I guess he is my kid after all!  He has also learned how relaxing a bubble bath can be.

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